Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Movie Review: A TIME FOR DRUNKEN HORSES (2000) B

Foreign; Arabic

Not a fun movie. Excellent and realistic depiction of life in the world of the Kurds that live between Iran and Iraq.  Story of a poverty stricken family of children, with no mother or father, that live from hand to mouth.  This is a gritty, documentary-like look at Kurdish orphans struggling to survive, the film unsentimentally depicts how children are packed in trucks and driven to the city to perform such menial jobs as wrapping parcels or more likely, carrying large boxes like pack mules. 

Though the youngest son of this family is all of 12 years old, he has become the head of the household, which includes his severely disabled older brother -- who is also deathly ill. In order to pay for an operation that might prolong his life, he joins a group of smugglers who traffic truck tires to Iraq. Negotiating landmines and dodging border guards, they struggle to get their overburdened mules through snow covered mountains by plying them with alcohol. 

Unfortunately, the films ends abruptly with no real concluding scenes.

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