Monday, October 21, 2013

Foreign Movie Review: HIMALAYA (1990) B


Himalaya, is a fictional film about very primitive people living in Tibet, focusing on their daily lives and traditional customs. The author of the film traveled in the region for many years and studied the ways of the people before making this film, which is based on the epic lives of two of his Tibetan friends. The film was shot over a nine-month period with a small French crew working under extreme conditions at an altitude reaching 17,000 feet. Scenic shots are spectacular, particularly those depicting the crossing of the high pass. 

This movie would be of interest to someone who is involved with travel (for discovery purposes) and insight into other cultures . . . cultures much different than our own. The story is thin but there are parts that are interesting and exciting.

89% approval from rottentomatoes (didn't deserve it).

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