Monday, May 5, 2014


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This sort of documentary is a random compilation of Jewish comedians talking about Jewish humor and Jewish identity. It's a worthwhile watch for an hour or so (on Netflix) that allows the comedians to tell some good jokes that may give you a good laugh . . . if you haven't heard them already.

It turns out that the underlying theme of this rough cut at a documentary may be that even if you don't believe in the Jewish god or the rituals, if you were brought up in the world of Jews, you will carry with you the underlying culture of being the underdog and at the same time feeling that the group is more intelligent (by western standards) that the rest of the population.  The comedians relate this to the Jewish capability of getting a laugh from some miserable situation that is occurring around them. PS. A lot of this type of humor is similar to Russian humor. 

In my view this may be true because over the last 2000 years only the wiser, resourceful and smarter Jews have survived all the pogroms.

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