Monday, September 23, 2013


Unfortunately, This documentary was unexciting and flat. It told the story of Mary Glickman's sports activities but we never got to know him as a person.

For more than 40 years, starting in the 1940s, Marty Glickman’s career included announcing New York Giants, Knicks and Rangers games, along with doing national work for the NBA and on NBC and HBO. Late in his life, Glickman was hired by NBC to coach its play-by-play announcers.

The Bronx-born Glickman’s was a star High School and College athlete and was part of the US 1936 Olympic team but was excluded from running because our racist Olympic team management kowtowed to Hitler's hatred of Jews.  Supposedly Glickman suppressed his anger at that affront.

The real story that was not included in the documentary is our treatment of so-called amature or "plantation" athletes who work and slave for peanuts so TV networks and other promoters can make millions of dollars.  

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