Sunday, September 15, 2013

Movie Review: TAKING SIDES (2002) B-

This movie was about what was called "The De-Nazifcation Program" created after the second world war by the allies to rid the German bureaucracy (teachers, civil servants, etc.) that were sympathetic the the Hitler regime.  It became a sham when the cold war started and we brought over to the United States the likes of Wernher Von Braun, who was responsible for the German rocket program that used and abused (to say it mildly) slave labors.  We also used ex-Gestapo agents to spy on the Russians.
In this movie (and I'm not sure why it was produced, because the issue is somewhat dated) an obnoxious American officer ( Harvey Keitel), who before the war worked for an insurance company, mercilessly prosecutes a controversial German symphony conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler, one of the most renowned of his profession in the 1930s. Arnold sets out to prove Furtwängler was a standard war criminal working under Adolf Hitler's regime. This film based on a true story about the difficulty high ranking Germans not involved in the Nazi movement who sold their souls the the existing regime so they could survive.
From Wikipedia: Furtwängler's relationship with—and attitude towards—Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party was a matter of much controversy. The full story is atängler

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