Friday, October 11, 2013

Movie Review: GRAVITY (2013) AA(Special Effects), C (Story)

This movie will allow you to witness . . . first hand . . . magnificent special effects of man in space during an accident that destroys various spacecraft and space stations.  (Saw the 3D version). The names of at least 200 or more specialists who were involved with the animation, graphics and music were listed at the end of the movie.  Must have cost hundreds of millions of dollars to produce. 

On the positive side,  this movie will take you as close as you will ever get to feeling that you are traveling in space. And the special effects , including the simulation of a fire in a gravity free environment is something to see.

But to quote another reviewer, "Gorgeous, intense, but lacking substance. Gravity suffers from a weak story and uninteresting characters and instead relies heavily on visuals. Well, luckily the visuals are great and it really feels like you're in space which makes it all the more terrifying."  

Both Sandy and I could not suspend disbelief (get into the heads and emotions of the actors) and the tension and fear that was supposed to put you on the edge of your seat, didn't work  for us.  We were just spectators to a space show.  It may have been that George Clooney and Sandra Bullock were not the right people for the job.  They came off as just George and Sandra in another movie.

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