Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Stage Play Review:  THE BOOK OF MORMON (2013)  DDD

I usually don't review live theater plays , but this play required special attention.  IT WAS HORRID. A formula play that had the token gays, blacks, weakling men, ugly vulgar curse words and references to parts of men's and women's genitalia that were there only to shock the audience . . . and all the other stuff that you would find in the average low end sitcom including unfunny jokes.

It essentially attempts to ridicule the Mormon practice of sending naive young male missionaries to all parts of the world to spread the word of the positive elements of their belief system.  But it could just as well ridiculed Jews, Christians that believe in the New Testament, Hindus, Buddhists, et.al.  Despicable.

The only redeeming aspect of the play was that the staging, music and dancing and singing were good.

From the NY POST
. . . . Throughout the evening, we get colorfully cartoonish peeks into the origins and tenets of Mormonism. No wonder it was the most successful faith to come out of the United States: Prophet Joseph Smith originated an action-packed saga, which the show places on the same continuum as “Star Trek,” “Star Wars” and the Disney universe.
So, yes, you can read a very clever subtext into “The Book of Mormon,” but you can also relax and enjoy the avalanche of filthy gags, butt jokes and wickedly catchy show tunes. These last incorporate everything from squealing guitar riffs to jazz-hand tap, and range from mock-inspirational ballads to Meat Loaf-style epics, . . . .

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