Friday, January 24, 2014

Movie Review: NEBRASKA (2013) C

Inline image 1Very slow and sad movie about a group of selected people . . . and especially men . . . that live the the northern Midwest of this country.  A couple of themes run through the movie.   The barrenness of the people and land and the relationship between a son and his semi-demented father. 

My belief is that  people in the movie do not . . . in any way . . . represent the cross section of people of that area, which includes Montana and Nebraska, so I don't understand that thrust of the screen play . . . except to make fun of some unfortunate older men and women.

Done in black and white to emphasize the lifeless land in the fall or winter.  

From Rottom Tomatoes:  The one negative comment.  "The most overrated film of 2013. An implausible, relentlessly heart-tugging tale. It isn't a bad movie, but it also isn't a legitimate awards contender."

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