Friday, February 7, 2014


Inline image 1A total waste of 2 hours plus the cost of the tickets.  All the people I spoke to about this move told me that the acting was very good . . . and couldn't say much more about it except it was about a dysfunctional family.  In seeing the movie my hope that it was about some psychological problems in the family that would prove interesting to me.

As it turned out it was a miscellaneous hodgepodge of people in a family that had absolutely no insight into their serious psychological problems and were making no attempt to solve them by conventional means . . . such as consulting shrinks.  It also took place in the desolate plains of Oklahoma, which made absolutely no sense because the patriarchof the family was a an award winning poet who you would expect to be in an urban area, which would provide him with intellectual stimulation.

My best guess is that the play and the movie were produced as a showcase for a bunch of actors.  In fact, the final credits went out of the way to show pictures of the main characters . . . which support my theory.

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