Saturday, March 29, 2014

HBO Documentary TV Program Review: PAYCHECK TO PAYCHECK (2014) A+

Inline image 1This documentary is powerful expose about poverty in the US of A.  Most people conveniently blame poverty on the victims.  So cruel.  But it is a nice excuse to fight for lower taxes on the rich 1 percenters and the reduce the availability of food stamps and health care for the unfortunate people who were born on the wrong side of the tracks. Most people are not yet willing to admit that the democratic global capitalism, that exists in the United States and in the rest of the world, has many, many flaws.  Just ask the 10 million that were unemployed after the financial crisis in 2009 . . . and will NEVER be able to gain a job again with a livable wage. 
From Huffington Post:  According to the The Shriver Report, more than 42 million women and the 28 million children who depend on them are either living in poverty or teetering on the brink of it.Katrina Gilbert is one of them.

The 30-year-old single mom is at the center of "Paycheck to Paycheck: The Life and Times of Katrina Gilbert," a new HBO documentary executive produced by Maria Shriver that attempts to put a human face on this startling statistic.

Filmed over the course of one year in Chattanooga, TN, the documentary chronicles the highs and lows in the life of Gilbert, a mom of three who's barely scraping by on the $9.49 an hour she receives as a certified nursing assistant.
"I didn't expect to be a single mom of three children but I am and I'm trying to deal with it the best way I can," Gilbert says.
"Paycheck to Paycheck" was shown on HBO Monday, March 17 and will be available free online on, and YouTube. WATCH IT, PLEASE!!!

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