Friday, March 21, 2014


Israeli. subtitles 

In order to discuss the ugly conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians this movie sets up a situation where an Israeli and Palestinian boy are switched at birth and both families discover the error when the boys are 20 years old. The characters in both families are well played, the mother's love of both boys, the father's pain, the brother's hatred of his new sibling because of his hatred of life with Jewish oppressors, and the orthodox rabbi's notion that the boy who was brought as a Jew can not be considered a TRUE Jew because his mother is an Arab. For this reason he is rejected for service in the Israeli army. Racist revolting stuff. 

I would have normally rated this as an A, however, the movie was cut and ended suddenly with no position or resolution to the conflict . . . probably because the producers felt that any reasonable ending would create picketing around the theater. The Israelis have occupied the West Bank for 45 years.

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