Thursday, April 17, 2014

EMPEROR (2013) B-

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This movie, or docudrama, is about Gen. MacArthur taking over command of Japan at the end of WWII.  It describes him and his staff as having to decide whether Emperor Hirohito would be either hanged as a war criminal or allowed to remain as the spiritual leader of the country.  (I am not sure that the facts in the movie are correct because other reference material I have read, indicates that retaining the Emperor was part of the agreement for surrender).  

At any rate the movie also describes the fight between the leaders of Japan . . . which includes the beliefs of the militarists that they should not surrender because they believed that they could win the  "Decisive Battle when we landed on Kyushu Island" .  (The Japanese also originally believed that after "The Decisive Battle at Pearl Harbor”, we would sue for peace).  They TOTALLY misjudged the feelings of the leaders and people of the United States.  By the end of the war the militarists leaders were in an absolute dream world because two atomic bombs had been dropped and the Russians were overtaking Manchuria and they still did not want to give up.

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