Friday, April 18, 2014


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Revision to TV Series Review: THE FOLLOWING (2013 - ) (From A to C)

After wading through about 7 or 8 episodes, I discovered that the plot of the series had major flaws. The bad guy, behind bars, was magically capable of undermining any attempt the FBI made to stop the mayhem he was orchestrating . . . and the scenes had many too many flashbacks.

 (From A to C) rating is being kind.

If you are into a sadistic murder series (similar to, but not as pleasant as DEXTER), this is for you. Fast moving and gory.  Unusual plot includes a college professor that is the incarnation of evil.  Only saw 3 episodes of first season.

From Other Reviews:
Kevin Bacon stars in this roller coaster-like thriller as former FBI agent Ryan Hardy, who's called out of retirement to help catch escaped serial killer Joe Carroll,whom he helped put away years earlier in acase that, quite literally, almost killed him. Carroll, a charismatic former English professor obsessed with Edgar Allan Poe, hasn't forgotten his old nemesis, either: the orchestrated mayhem he unleashes, which is carried out by acolytes he cultivated through the Internet and prison visitations, is designed to torment Hardy, who had an affair with Carroll's ex-wife Claire after his arrest.  .

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