Saturday, November 23, 2013

Movie Review: 12 YEARS A SLAVE (2013) A

This film is one more ugly story about slavery that must be told.  It talks about kidnapping, abduction, separating children from slave parents, rape and brutality of slave women and men and the effect on the wife's of the slaveholders.  I gave it only an A because the story is not new.  It has been repeated in other films and books ad nauseum. The horror is that our founding fathers allowed this practice to continue after 1776 for the obvious political reasons.

From other reviews: Chiwetel Ejiofor stars as Solomon Northup, the New York State citizen who was kidnapped and made to work on a plantation in New Orleans in the 1840s. Steve McQueen directs from a script he co-wrote with John Ridley, based in part by Northup's memoir. Michael Fassbender, Brad Pitt, Benedict Cumberbatch, Sarah Paulson, and Paul Giamatti co-star. 

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